Customize all photos, name, and personality of his to their liking ♪nThe latest version of the love simulation game!nWhy do not you fall in love with him love?
理想のカレと同じマンションに住んで、恋に落ちてみませんか? 基本プレイ無料!恋愛ゲームが初めての方でも気軽に楽しめます♪優しい幼馴染、頼れるお兄さん、クールなモデル、可愛い後輩…主人公の住むマンションで、個性豊かな住人達と恋愛を楽しめる!====================================ココがすごい!====================================普通の恋愛ゲームとは違い、カレの見た目や名前を、自分好みに設定することができます!数種類の用意されたシナリオから、好きなタイプを選び、好みのキャラをカスタマイズしましょう!※一番最初は選択できるキャラが限られています。ストーリーの途中では、キャラと実際に、メッセージをやり取りしているような演出もあってドキドキ★毎日ストーリーが読めるチケットをプレゼント。どなたでも無料でお楽しみ頂けます。本編のストーリーはもちろん、特別なミニストーリーやメッセージが沢山あるのでゲーム途中やクリア後も楽しめます♪====================================こんな方にオススメ====================================・自分のイラストでゲームを楽しみたい方・女性向けゲーム、乙女ゲームが好きな方 ・運命の恋をしてみたい方・少女漫画や恋愛小説が好きな方・俺様幼馴染にリードされたい方・先生と内緒の恋がしたい方・男気溢れる彼に守って欲しい方・許されない二人の禁断の関係に興味がある方・妄想が大好きな方・好きな人がいる方・たくさんの男性に囲まれたい方====================================キャラ紹介====================================【元気な幼馴染】いつも明るく、リードしてひっぱって行ってくれる。陸上部のエースで、友達やファンも多い。何事も全力で楽しむ。主人公のちょっとした行動にもすぐ赤くなってしまい、恋愛には少し不器用。「一緒にやろうぜ!俺、お前とならもっと楽しめる!」【優しい幼馴染】さわやかでおっとりしているが、主人公には積極的。恥かしくなるような甘い言葉もサラッと言ってしまう。女子に騒がれているが、実はオタク気質な地味な一面も…「俺が迷子になったらいけないから、手を繋いでいてほしい」【クールな幼馴染】秀才で何でも出来てしまうクールで完璧な生徒会長。ぶっきらぼうにも見えるが、主人公を何より気にかけている。女子からの人気も高く、嫉妬や妬みをかってしまうことも…「俺の事を分かってくれるのは、多分…いや、お前以外にはいないと思う」【絵描きのお兄さん】絵の勉強をしている明るく前向きな大学生。主人公をモデルに絵を描くことになり、二人の距離は急接近。親しくなった二人のもとに突然現れる黒服の男性。実は彼の正体は…「君をモデルにして描いている時間が一番好きなんだ…綺麗だよ。」【優しく丁寧なお医者さん】地元の病院に勤める、子供が大好な小児科医。体調を崩した時も手厚く看病してくれる。普段は落ち着いて穏やかなカレも、親密になると…「こんなに可愛い子が、僕みたいなのと一緒に居て、楽しいのかな?」【頼れる年上の先輩】バイト先のお洒落なカフェの先輩として、リードしてくれる。ラテアートが得意で、甘い物が大好きでお菓子を作ってくれる。いつも優しい彼がある事件を境に豹変して…「落ち着いてやれば大丈夫。そうそう、よくできました。」【クールビューティーな人気モデル】雑誌や街中のポスターで見かけるあの人気モデルが目の前に。しかし普段のあの笑顔とは違ってツンとした雰囲気。マンション裏での密会を重ねるごとに二人の距離は…「当たり前だろ、バーカ!ちゃんと、俺だけを見てろよな」【女嫌いの寡黙な教師】主人公の通う高校の教師。いつも女子生徒に追い回されている。口数は少ないが、主人公に対して徐々に心を開いていく。親しくなるにつれ、二人は教師と生徒の禁断の関係に…!?「最初は…お前だって、他の生徒と同じだと思っていた。」【肉食系で破天荒なヤンキー】夜道で不良に絡まれているところを助けてもらう。ぶっきらぼうな物言いで誤解を招きやすいが、実は…!?時折見せる寂しげな表情…その事実を知って…「俺は、今までの俺とは違う。守りてぇもんが出来たからよ!」Why dont you live in the same apartment as your ideal boyfriend and fall in love? Free basic play!Even those who are new to romance games can easily enjoy it ♪A gentle childhood friend, a dependable older brother, a cool model, a cute junior ...In the apartment where the main character lives, you can enjoy romance with unique residents!====================================Here is amazing!====================================Unlike ordinary romance games,You can set the appearance and name of the boyfriend to your liking!Choose your favorite type from several prepared scenarios and chooseCustomize your favorite character!* At the very beginning, the characters that can be selected are limited.In the middle of the story, with the character, actuallyIm thrilled because there is a production that seems to be exchanging messages ★Get a ticket to read the story every day.Anyone can enjoy it for free.Not to mention the story of the main storyThere are many special mini stories and messages, so you can enjoy it during the game or after clearing it ♪====================================Recommended for people like this====================================・ Those who want to enjoy the game with their own illustrations・ Those who like games for women and otome games・ Those who want to fall in love with fate・ Those who like shojo manga and romance novels・ Those who want to be led by my childhood friend・ Those who want to have a secret love with the teacher・ Those who want him to protect him・ Those who are interested in the forbidden relationship between two people who are not allowed・ Those who love delusions・ Those who have a favorite person・ Those who want to be surrounded by many men====================================Character introduction====================================[Energetic childhood friend]Its always bright and leads and pulls.He is an ace of the track and field club and has many friends and fans. Enjoy everything with all your might.Even a little action of the hero turns red immediately, and it is a little clumsy for romance."Lets do it together! I can enjoy it more with you!"[Gentle childhood friend]Its refreshing and calm, but its positive for the main character.Even sweet words that make me embarrassed are said to be smooth.The girls are making noise, but in fact, there is also a sober side with a nerdy temperament ..."I dont want to get lost, so I want you to hold hands."[Cool childhood friend]A cool and perfect student council president who is talented and can do anything.It looks blunt, but he cares about the hero more than anything else.It is also very popular with girls, and you may get jealousy or jealousy ..."Maybe its only you who knows me ... no, I dont think."[Brother of painting]A bright and positive college student studying painting.The hero will be the model for drawing, and the distance between the two will be very close.A man in black suddenly appears to two people who have become close to each other. In fact, his true identity is ..."I like the time I draw with you as a model ... its beautiful."[Gentle and polite doctor]A pediatrician who works at a local hospital and loves children.Even when you feel sick, he will take good care of you.Even if the boyfriend is usually calm and calm, when he gets intimate ..."Is it fun to have such a cute girl with someone like me?"[Reliable older seniors]He leads me as a senior at a fashionable cafe where I work part-time.He is good at latte art, loves sweets and makes sweets.He is always kind and suddenly changes after a certain incident ..."Its okay if you calm down. Oh yeah, well done."[Cool beauty popular model]That popular model you see in magazines and posters in the city is right in front of you.However, unlike the usual smile, it has a tsundere atmosphere.The distance between the two people is ..."Obviously, Barka! Look only at me."[Silent teacher who hates misogyny]A high school teacher who the main character attends. Im always chased by female students.Although the number of words is small, he gradually opens his heart to the main character.As they became closer, the two became in a forbidden relationship between the teacher and the students ...! ??"At first ... I thought you were the same as any other student."[Carnivorous and wild Yankee]Get help from a bad guy on the night road.Its easy to misunderstand with a blunt word, but in fact ...! ??A lonely expression that I sometimes show ... Knowing that fact ..."Im different from what Ive been up to now, because Ive been able to protect it!"いつもご利用ありがとうございます。今回のアップデートで以下を対応しました。・カレからのメッセージ通知刷新・bugfix新バージョンにアップデートいただくことで、今後もカレからのメッセージを正しく受け取れます。引き続きご利用よろしくおねがいします。